In the spirit of a variety of indigenous languages across the globe that do not recognize "I" or "you", these beliefs are aspirational for our collective existence.
We believe deeply in the power of transformative conversations.
We believe that real transformative conversations happen when space is created for individuals to speak unspoken truths, listen for understanding, and bridge with compassion. We believe that in these spaces, where true and authentic understanding can be achieved, the solutions to all problems may be found.
We believe equity is a both a process and an outcome.
We define equity as an aspirational goal that requires intentional commitment to a process of examining history to determine the root causes of today's structural imbalances which largely run along racial lines.
Pursuing equity means we are intentional around acknowledging historical oppression and marginalization, seek action that restores balance today, and create the conditions so that every person is unrestricted to achieve their full potential.
Critical analysis of history, power and the establishment of on-going accountability systems centering those closest to impact is essential to engage in racial equity and justice work. This is heart, mind, and soul work that goes beyond mental reasoning. Each person and organization must deeply interrogate their role in upholding and/or dismantling systems that perpetuate inequity and harms primarily Black, Indigenous and People of Color. This work requires the belief that there should be no hierarchy of human value among us regarding who is deserving of respect, freedom, justice and happiness, because in fact we all are.
We believe in evidence that supports this soul work.
In an evidence-based, data-driven culture, we recognize the need for and value of identifying, quantifying, and measuring targeted areas of improvement. We also know and understand that the stories behind metrics and intentions that drive the work are just as important in setting strategic priorities and benchmarks. With this in mind, we ground our approach in a blend of evidence-based, psychological, behavioral, frameworks and strategies to navigate hearts and minds in this work.
We believe in the capacity of people to resolve their own problems, with proper provocation.
We believe in the four zones of awareness: what we know, what we believe, what we don't know, and our blindspots. The first requirement for change is to become aware. Expanding awareness, creating language around the unspoken, and then provocation that challenges and interrogates those zones of awareness create the conditions for change.
We believe in the power and agency of each person as a critical piece of the broader collective.
We each have a vital role to play in envisioning and shaping our future. There are no neutral positions. Each of us holds influence in different ways and it will take all of us. We are committed to doing the hard work it will require to move us forward, together.